Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Real Problem

I'm loving the outrage we're spewing at BP right now, be it with their willfull safety violations:
OSHA statistics show BP ran up 760 "egregious, willful" safety violations, while Sunoco  and Conoco-Phillips each had eight, Citgo had two and Exxon had one comparable citation.
or everybody's feelings being hurt by the CEO's comments.

Yes, of course these things are atrocious. But basically, here's the rundown:

"Can we drill four miles deep into your shoreline for stuff that was of use in the 19th century?"
"Can we get a ton of tax breaks?"
"Well, that's up to MMS..."
"Who're they?"
"We have no idea!!! Fuck 'em, you make too much money to be paying taxes anyway!!"
"And you're not gonna regulate us at all, right?"
"Hahahahahaaha!!! What're we, gay??!!!"
"Seriously, if you even pretend to tell us what to do or hold us accountable-"
"Oh, calm down, you're, do you have a plan for what to do should the one terrible thing that could happen actually happens?"
"No. Not interested."
"You're in! Welcome!!!"

In other words, trying to get a liquor license in NYC or DC is exponentially harder than what these people were asked to do.

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