Thursday, June 03, 2010


Me droppin' knowledge like it's hot last year on Op's birthday (53 years young!):
I like it when these complete sluts on tv sit in their mini-skirts made out of see-thru band-aids and brag about their lofty Zen-ness by claiming "I'm not religious but I'm very spiritual." Which is of course slut-ese for "get up before 4pm? On the weekend? Are you for reals?"

Just once I'd like to see one of these whores brag "I'm super religious; I go to Mass every day, but I'm not spiritual at all. There's nothing there, I'm a vacuous tube, but I loooooove religion and going to church."
Today over at the CNN Belief blog, which apparently is something that exists in this universe, the dangers of the newish cult of the "spiritual but not religious" crowd is explored.
"Being spiritual but not religious can lead to complacency and self-centeredness," says Martin, an editor at America, a national Catholic magazine based in New York City. "If it's just you and God in your room, and a religious community makes no demands on you, why help the poor?"
As I touched on above, these people are basically saying one of two things:

"There's no way in hell I'm getting up early on a Sunday morning."
"I am currently trying to hit on a stupid chick."

Oh wait, in looking at that same article it appears that Facebook is now involved, so certainly these people should be taken more seriously:
The "I'm spiritual but not religious" community is growing so much that one pastor compared it to a movement. In a 2009 survey by the research firm LifeWay Christian Resources, 72 percent of millennials (18- to 29-year-olds) said they're "more spiritual than religious." The phrase is now so commonplace that it's spawned its own acronym ("I'm SBNR") and Facebook page.

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