Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Slow Clap? Yes.

Yesterday HERE I wondered how desperately those on the right would cling to the "Israel is our greatest friend and did no wrong!!" mantra in the flotilla tragedy. Instead they've one-upped me and skipped ahead a few spaces from any point in actual reality to "hey, there's no humanitarian crisis going on in Gaza in the first place."  If, as Sully points out, they acknowledge anything happened at all. Incredible.

NEWT GINGRICH: “There was no humanitarian crisis; this was a deliberate political effort on the part of people who want to try to undermine the survival of Israel.”

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: “What exactly is the humanitarian crisis that the flotilla was actually addressing? There is none. No one is starving in Gaza.”
Hey, when you underestimate stupid and crazy and get beat, sometimes you can only doff your cap. These are terrible people and we are all much worse off merely because of their existence but, as my high school football used to implore us to do, when they make a mistake they do so at full speed without thinking about it at all. Kudos.

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