Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sniffy Speaks

I delightfully stumbled upon Sniffy's reaction to Obama's speech on The O'Reilly Show, in which she rather inexplicably  claimed that she's miffed because Obama's #1 priority isn't stopping the leak. Shockingly, Bill-O prodded her on this by pointing out that Obama doesn't know HOW to stop it, and you could see the neck hairs raising up on her as she devolved into screeching that Obama's happy to let the oil gush out and she knows this since, according to her, he isn't returning calls to the Dutch, who are of course experts at dikes.

First of all, while I'm pleased that she's an Xmastime fan, THIS WAS ONLY A JOKE!!!

But while O'Reilly was right to point out that Obama doesn't know how to stop the leak ie he isn't withholding the info on purpose, what he didn't point out is neither does BP. If Sniffy is so pissed because she thinks Obama is keeping the answer to turning off the leak hidden up his sleeve like one of Snuffy Smith's ace of spades, why does she not think the same of BP, who are the "experts" and created the entire thing in the first place? Why is she not pissed at BP for hanging out in the company lounge playing Ms. Pac-Man instead of handing over the answer?

The answer is of course that her screeching is perfectly in line with what I've said for week's re: the Right's curious idea that despite BP being a part of the Machiavellian, "competitive" genius-driven privatized free market system that's based on capitalism, it's somehow unthinkable that BP's private geniuses are desperately concerned about the billions of dollars in potential profits flushing into the Gulf since it would call bullshit on the "magic" of the unrestrained, unregulated "free market" in which greed is usually a synonym for self-correction.

Media lookout:

1) Stewart making something out of her "dyke" line for lezbo laughs.
2) Palin will never go on The O'Reilly Show again, since he actually asked her something tougher than "isn't God awesome and Obama awful?"

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