Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Still in DT-Mania

from the DT myspace:
When in the course of human events, a coupla things happen: you go to high school, you fall in love, you get your heart broke, you gain 100 lbs after college, you get addicted to reality tv and then you die. If youre lucky, these things happen with a LITTLE bit of excitement at least; if youre not lucky youre probably Nick Lachey. Anyways I was lucky enough to have all of the above set to a soundtrack by, in my not-so-humble opinion, one of the greatest bands ever: DT and the Shakes. I was 13 when I first stumbled upon a Maxell tape and heard my first DT song (the single version of Dont Let Me Down) and of course fell in love right away the shambling Replacements-esque debut ep, the pop hits of their first LP and the huge growth by their last album (which took me a whole summer to listen to all the way through; for some reason Ryan and I were stuck on the title track, hynotized in Ol Blue during our Summer of Hell). I also remember standing in left field for hours on end as our pitchers walked everyone in sight during summer league and Id sing the whole DT catalog in my head while my hat melted onto my head. Good times.
Anyways, I love this band a lot, both for the music that I hear right now and the nostalgia you can only have about the autumn of your youth. Autumn of your youth. What an idiot. Enjoy the songs, as I will be rotating different ones in and out every few days, as well as collecting stuff to post in the blog section from the band (interviews/posters etc.) Hard to believe that in the days before Chris Brown, Will Croxton was the biggest star in Tappahannock.

July 2006

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