Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Always Eye-Opening Bachmann, for Worse or Even Worse

Like always, my beady little eyes lit up when I went HERE and saw that Michelle Bachmann had said something stupid. And I knew that she had said something stupid because the title of the post included the word "Bachmann," so. And when I saw that she had compared the Tea Partiers to WWII vets I was REALLY licking my chops, "ooooooohhhh, this is gonna be AWESOMELY fucking stupid!!!!!"

But as I was reading it, I saw this:
For approximately five minutes, Bachmann told the story of the Dorchester, a World War II Army transport ship that was sunk by Germany off the coast of Greenland. The most famous tale to emerge from the demise of the Dorchester centers on four chaplains, who gave up their life jackets to soldiers on board. Their bravery and courage has been retold in books and was honored by Congress in 1960.
I'm not familiar with the story, and I know I'm gonna be called as asshole, but...what kind of soldiers take the life jackets here from chaplains? Wouldn't they feel like pussies? Am I wrong here? Too realz?

I know the idea would be "well, we need those 4 soldiers doing some killing," but wouldn't four chaplains be doing the work of God, therein helping THOUSANDS of (USA! USA! USA!) soldiers? Wouldn't a championing of the soldiers in this case reveal that you didn't believe in such a thing? Interesting.

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