Friday, July 30, 2010


Calling out the GOP for their absurd bullshit = priceless
Slamming the mic like me dropping mine at my weekly rap freestyle battles = priceless + 1

I said it yesterday. If the GOP using this nonsense to not help the victims of 9/11 doesn't make you think "hey, wait a minute here..." then I really don't know what to tell you. You can wrap it up in pretend deficit hysteria, you can hide behind pretend procedural roadblocks, whatever. At least have the decency to be fucking embarrassed by these people. And yes, by "these people" I mean "blacks." Yeah I'm pissed but they will have to pry my incredibly racist humor from my cold, dead nuts.

Remember this the next time some Republican tries to wrap himself in some weepy American flag-cradling nonsense about 9/11. And know for damn sure that if George Bush was magically president for a day and wanted to pass a $100B bill to give billionaires new yachts these people would be running over people in the streets to go vote for it.



Marley said...

You're precious when you're outraged. I'd give money to have your moral simplicity and guile.

And your physique.

Xmastime said...

i know, i know. i dont "get it." but you people do. of course!

Marley said...

"You people?"

I'll let it slide.

Here it is in a nutshell, Cathy.

The GOP hates the bill for any number of reasons; mainly, for the same reasons Mr. Potter hated George Bailey, but also because they wanted to add amendments.

The Dems can pass the bill today. They have the votes. But to get political mileage, and to keep it without any amendments, they upped the need for the necessary votes, feigned outrage and voila!

You came bounding into the room with all your indignation at Thurston Howell.

Even Michael Bloomberg, who is as fey as the day is long, saw through it.

But not you.

GO TEAM!!!!!

Marley said...

"You're against the heroes of 9-11!!!!"

"No, you are."

And you, who should be laughing at the retail branding of it all, actually prove to be the biggest consumer of all this hooey.

Which is, and you can't deny it, very precious.

Xmastime said...

please. if Bush & Co had wanted it, the howls of unpatriotism at anyone's hesitation to vote yes would split the planet asunder. lend yourself some credibility and admit this is yet another curious case of "sudden concern over cost and priority." you dont hafta drink the ENTIRE kool-aid. it's okay, you can do it. you want me to stroke your hair and whisper in your ear that Ronnie still loves you?

Xmastime said...

"Cathy" is funny.

Marley said...


The Kool-Ade I'm drinking is that both parties are playing politics.

While the Kool-Ade you're drinking has you donning pom poms and a vuvuzela (sp?)

Yeah. You're right.

Xmastime said...

my point, Sir Doesnt Read Posts Before Blathering Aboutalot, isnt about how either side's theatrics; its simply that the Republicans wont vote for the bill. which i think would seem pretty incredible to any rational thinking human. and yes, later on im sure the Democrats will fail at trying to capitalize on it, while the Republicans wouldve already had Democrats saying no chased through town with mobs waving torches.

Anonymous said...

Weiner... so aptly named. What a d*ck. Such theatrics from such a know nothing, do nothing, spend everything liberal.