Thursday, July 15, 2010

Deficits: The New Abortion.

From HERE:
This is the position of the Republican party. Senate Republicans unanimously opposed extending jobless aid one day, citing concern over the deficit, but then turn right around and push for huge tax cuts for the very richest people in the country, which would cost more than 20 times as much...I’ll never understand how a Senator can feign such anxiety about the deficit one minute, push for budget busting tax cuts the next and still keep a straight face. I’ll also never understand how they keep getting away with it.


Marley said...

"I’ll also never understand how they keep getting away with it."

It's the fluoride. We do it via the water.

Xmastime said...

and by scaring people into thinking that theyre closer to owning a Pizza Hut than working at one. but then, "scaring" implies they'd hafta work hard at it.