Monday, July 19, 2010


Since I'm hung over as fuck I gotta feeling this is going to be a "hey, here's something I said a long time ago so I don't hafta turn my brain on" days.

Moi ICI:
These fucking idiots need to get off Eli's ass for not being emotional. Anyone who's ever actually played the game in a uniform knows that the only things you want your quarterback to be is cool, calm and unflappable. On AND off the field. These jackasses (and I'm including my boyfriend Mad Dog here) are screaming they want Eli flopping on the ground screaming and crying after every incompletion and standing on the Brooklyn Bridge ready to jump after every loss. Joe Montana was called "Joe Cool", not "Joe Constantly Screaming and Wetting His Pants." Get off it already. And there's about 20 other teams in the league who wouldn't mind having Eli and being 7-4 right now. Every other position player can play the game fueled on raw emotion and rage; the quarterback is the one who has to hold it together and run the show. Bruce can sing his guts out and run around doing knee slides cause he knows Max is back there holding down the anchor. So enough of the Eli's not emotional enough bullshit.
Here's the always awesome Steve Sabol of NFL Films:
 I think emotion is an overused word and overrated factor in the NFL. Everyone in football is charged up, but emotion is a commodity with a notoriously short shelf-life. You can't replace preparation and execution with emotion and hope to make it. There was a lot of passion at the Alamo, and they all died.

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