Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I'm fucking tired already of everybody (Colin Cowherd, I'm looking at you) screaming indignantly and condescendingly teaching fans "how the world works" because Cleveland fans are pissed LeBron left. Yes, we KNOW he's within his rights. YES if someone offers you a job that is more attractive, you would take it too. YES we know owners shit on players when they want to. The point is, FANS ARE FUCKING STUPID ABOUT THEIR TEAMS!!! Being a fan means you get to be crazy and irrational about something and somebody that will never ACTUALLY affect your life. You can scream at the tv, you can "live and die!" with your team's wins and losses, and you can piss away hours in stupid arguments with your buddies. And you can do all this because NONE OF IT ACTUALLY FUCKING MATTERS TO YOU. You can't do this about your wife or kids or job, but sports gives us a chance to act like fucking idiots without really affecting or hurting anybody else. And the fan, no matter how much hot air he blows around on a daily basis, KNOWS this!!!! So calm the fuck down (Colin Cowherd, I'm looking at you) about fans acting fanatically, and enough already about "how business works."  Real life is complicated; screaming about millionaires who don't give a shit about us who play games for a living lets people vent about stupid shit. So refuckinglax already.

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