Monday, July 19, 2010

Gee. I Wonder What "News" Channel He Was Watching?

The Revolution has, I guess, begun:
    She said her son, who had been a carpenter and a cabinetmaker before his imprisonment, was angry about his unemployment and about “what’s happening to our country.” Williams watched the news on television and was upset by “the way Congress was railroading through all these left-wing agenda items,” his mother said.
Janice Williams said she kept the guns because “eventually, I think we’re going to be caught up in a revolution.” But she said she had told her son many times that “he didn’t have to be on the front lines.”
Hey, that's cool - I think we're about to have a dance revolution, but I don't feel the need to be on the front lines and so some crazy shit like be on Dancing with the Stars.

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