Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hey, I Gottsta Be Me

Sometimes, I like to take a dump, not wash my hands, and then go fiddle around with the ice tray in the freezer. Cause hey, I gottsta be me.


Anonymous said...

as my mother often reassured us kids: "that's okay, we all share the same germs anyhow".

Anonymous said...

Ice cubes are risky anyway. you really never know.

Anonymous said... just invented ICE-SKEEVES

Anonymous said...

well that's a nice poop for ya.

Anonymous said...

wicked poop-cycles.

Anonymous said... style.

Anonymous said...

yea, in my world that's called 'scubing'.

i scube, you scube, we all scube for ice cubes.

Anonymous said...

I can just see you offering a drink to your GF...."ice?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

an ice cube tray? What's that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that shit stayed COLD too!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will never look at another ice cube the same way again. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

An analysis of ice cubes in 49 Chicago area restaurants has found that, in many cases, toilet water has less bacteria than ice cubes served to customers. The toilet water was cleaner than ice from 21 of the 49 restaurants.

One in five samples contained high levels of bacteria. 11 of the restaurants had high levels of total coliform bacteria. Applebee's, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Starbucks, Outback Steakhouse, Burger King, and Asiago Express were among the Chicago establishments that contained high levels of bacteria.

Experts say the findings aren't cause for alarm:

"It's not like you'll see people dropping over dead or huge numbers getting sick because it's going to take just the right bacteria and the right person to make them ill," said Penn State University's Brian Swistock, co-author of the university's publication "Water Tests: What Do the Numbers Mean?"
However, they do say that the bacteria found in ice could explain a lot of mystery stomach ailments people get after eating out.

Anonymous said...

and this happened with your designated wiping hand?

if so, you must clean your hands and sanitize the tray and never do this again. you hear me?


Anonymous said...

...if you could only intercept the harmful disease causing germs, besides having to wash your hands or using sanitizing soap or gels. Gloves would be too much work. Toilet paper comes too close and does not offer enough of a barrier. I found this online: Most modern middle and upper-class Indian households will have a western “pedestal toilet” with a jet-spray hose attached. With a high pressure you can blast your buttocks completely clean without touching yourself. Sure, you’re a little wet, but hey, you’re 100 % clean, and don’t have to worry about any unwelcome brown stains showing up on your underwear. If the toilet in India does not have a hose, you will cleanse using water from a pitcher. A water spigot will be an arm’s length from the toilet along with a larger bucket and a small plastic pitcher with a pointed tip.
You fill the pitcher with water, holding it your right hand, and swing it around behind your back to position it close to your anus. You then pour the water over your intimate parts or into your left hand with which you wipe. Mind, there is always a steady stream of water between your left hand and your anus.If the American nation switched over to this method, we would save more trees than you could hug in a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

I long for a new fridge with a built in water purifier and automatic ice dispenser.