Saturday, July 03, 2010

I GOTTSTA Go See This!

playing at the Film Forum til July 13 !!!!!

Inexplicable Mukluks: Brothatime!!

(side note...nothing was better than seeing A Hard Day's Night at the Film Forum, and coming out of the theater to Manhattan newly covered in snow, just like in the footage of when the Beatles first landed here.)

(side side note...I always forget that Spector worked on what was by far the greatest solo Beatles record.)

Me, back in December:

The Wrecking Crew

As criminally good a song as Da Doo Ron Ron is, it's not even my favorite Crystals' song; that honor goes to Then He Kissed Me. I'll prolly never get married, but if I do I hope the entire wedding party uses this slice as the entrance song, that opening riff announcing "oh, fuuuuuuuck!!!!!"  :)

On a side note, how is it possible that there is no definitive biopic of Phil Spector? Wtf? Some teenager in Long Island shoots the wife of some mechanic she's fucking in Long Island (and partially MISSES!)

Of course, there's probably only one person who can play him. And he's fucking bananas too.

and there's three flicks about her before she hits court - meanwhile, here we have the guy responsible for some of the greatest moments not only in rock 'n roll but our culture as a whole, both in the foundation of the Wall of Sound and the carrying the freight for rock in the between rock's founders and the British Invasion. And then, just fior kicks, he turns out to be a raving fucking lunatic of whom when he finally killed somebody, all anyone could think was "what took him so long?" Camon. Let's see this movie!

1 comment:

here. said...

been meaning to mention this to you. let's go see it