Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mad Men Season Four Premiere

1) Back in the office! Thank god!!
2) I wanna punch Peggy's little sidekick in the fucking head. Hopefully he's the first guy shipped off to 'Nam.
3) Even the home stuff was tolerable, since it was mostly spent pointing out everyone realizing Betty is a fucking bitch.
4) The ham setup was kind of clever and interesting, but felt gimmicky by the end.
5) I love the "we have a second floor" sham.
6) I'd bust nuts all over Don's date. Nom nom nom!!!
7) More Bert & Roger!!!
8) Is Pete becoming too likeable?
9) More Bert & Roger!!!


Anonymous said...

You forgot the dumb S&M angle. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

andtheend. said...

lerved it. i'm a huge fan of the new conference room.

Rambler said...

you didn't notice the fuck up. Don was watching a football game when he was waiting for Betty to come home. There was no night football back then!

I did a little blog post for the LA Times. Producer admitted it was supposed to be hockey game but couldn't get rights so they got generic sports and ended up with football. Love busting them.