Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ou est les Jacquiers?

Today's a good day to wonder why, unlike 221 years ago when people stormed the Bastille to chop off heads, neither The White House nor the people themselves seem to be worked up in a fervor over unemployment benefits being cut off. Or, really, the lack of jobs themselves. I'm guessing it's because we're all standing around with our hands on our hip pretending to be "furious" over the deficit. Or applauding people employed by the government explaining to us that the government doesn't create jobs. Either way, I don't think us finding out that The Hills wasn't real is gonna help the mood of the country one bit. DAM YOU, LC!!!!!!

Mukluks: Dependable Renegade


Marley said...

"we're all standing around with our hands on our hip pretending to be "furious" over the deficit."

Like you can actually feel your hip.


Xmastime said...

on my birthday? really?

OUT OF BOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!