Thursday, July 01, 2010


I realize that it was just formulaic crap recycled for kids, but at some point Hanna-Barbara was just insulting the intelligence of the gang itself, weren't they? I mean, by, say, episode 400 maybe, JUST MAYBE, Fred ("The Smart One") might say "okay guys, how bout this time we START with the premise that this might be a case of some old fuck trying to scare people away from the hotel/family cemetery/glory hole using a somehow affordable combination of halograms and incredibly realistic zombie costumes, and work from there?"  Right? Or fuck, at LEAST at the very end when all is revealed, instead of absolute SURPRISE!  and SHOCK! each and every time, how bout one of them rolling their eyes , "fucking christ, THIS shit again?"

Camon. Have SOME credibility, right?

I'm also still waiting for the episode where Velma kills Daphne in a jealous rage.

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