Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Sniff Wins?

Sniffert E. Lee has apparently put the fuck-me boot heel on Levi's throat to shut him the fuck up, which surely upsets Sully as he was counting on Levi to lift the curtain on Sniffy's nonsense once and for all.

Of course, what can you expect when you put your case in the hands of a 19 year-old kid?
Andrew Sullivan needs to be a little more wary if he's gonna place his battle against Sarah Palin in the hands of a 19 year-old kid. I've said before, just because I'm pretty sure everything that comes out of her mouth is complete bullshit doesn't mean I should think everything that comes out of his mouth is the 100% god-honest truth. I mean, MAYBE it is; but Sully here is like a college football coach who, at the end of the day, puts his livelihood in the hands of kids. It is, to say the least, a bit of a gamble...MORE HERE
Of course Sully did not head my advice, since he doesn't read Xmastime   doesn't know I exist  found out my 1986 World Geography Award was a farce  had other things on his mind.

Give Levi some credit, tho: he's still the KING OF THE MYSPACE PROFILE!!! :)

Skate on, broseph!


Marley said...

"In Palinland, no one knows what's really going on. But I wonder if this is a somewhat panicked response to the recent blip upwards in web interest in the Trig question."

Your gentle chiding of this lunatic who polls the "uptick" in "web interest" in whether Palin (or Eva Braun) gave birth to Trig is very charitable.

I suppose if you're on the right side of things, The Man will do you right.

(yes, Xmastime, as the current steadfast defender of the status quo, you're a regular Roger Sterling. Congrats, but less pussy for you! Maybe Andrew will throw some tail your way).

(hi baby! Marley is treating me sooooooooooo good)

Xmastime said...

thanks, buddy! i know that was tough for you! :)