Friday, July 30, 2010


A few years ago HERE I wrote that college for the most part has become a waste of money, and some professors agree with me.

But I disagree with them re: a Harvard or Yale is a waste of money. I think a $250K investment in Harvard is a good one, as anyone coming out of Harvard is presumably almost guaranteed a good job, be it less because of the "education" he received and more the connections one gets at an Ivy League school. But the majority of colleges in my eyes have become glorified way stations whose outrageous costs far outweigh any real value they give a graduate. My Almost Matters would fall under that category but when I went it was about $1,000 a year; nowadays there's thousands of similarly accredited institutions that are 10 or 20 times that for no other reason than they can charge that because people have gotten used to the idea that that's just what you do after high school, no matter the cost. Which, as I brilliantly laid out in the post I linked, has not done society any favors.

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