Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Well. This Makes More than Perfect Sense.

The House passing another war funding bill for Afghanistan is curious timing so quickly after the Wikileaks fiasco. As in, now you're asking us to foot the bill to the tune of yet another $60 billion (bringing the Afghan total up to $300B) to fight an enemy that is presumably so stupid it can't tell exactly what our "plans and schemes!" are from those Wikileak docs. Of course. Makes perfect sense.

I would suggest simply going in and filming a "real" True Lies sequel and get the shit done with for $50M and then MAKE money on the film's release, but hey, what the fuck do I know.

But hey, at least everything else s just peachy keen these days, right? I mean, there's nowhere else we could be putting that dough right now, right?

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