Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Academy Award Nominee

Other than pure entertainment value there's no reason to watch more than a minute or so of this video since it's the same idea over and over, but as I watch it two things come to mind:

1) This really puts into perspective how bad white America has it.

2) Whoever the guy going around interviewing people is is a saint compared to me. He respectfully nods his head and mostly doesn't counter them with a comment of his own; I'd last about one minute before getting my ass kicked since there's no way in hell I'd be able to keep a straight face and not be a smarmy douchebag. BEING Glenn Beck is something I could do; INTERVIEWING GLENN BECK FANS is not.


Anonymous said...

Dang...where ARE those teleprompter when you need 'em?

Kiko Jones said...

I'm with you, X: don't think I could hold back, which is why I also admire the guy. He just does a great job of letting them hang themselves.