Thursday, August 05, 2010

Can We Get Bachmann, Sniffy and This Guy in a Room Together with a Video Camera?


Anonymous said...

More Stupidity: Using your talent to encourage people (of ALL race, color and creed) to support themselves and pull their weight in this society is a GOOD THING. Moral Christian AND Non Christian taxpaying Americans understand the importance of supportive services which do not zombify those who would otherwise become lifelong takers (not including those who are physically or mentally unable to work). Those who take advantage of a system without having invested time and tax money into it, drains the system and is unfair to those who have.

Anonymous said...

drain the system: Teach people a loser mentality and dependant lifestyle which limits their creative potential and enslaves to them to poverty. In turn power will remain in the hands of the select few...the elite...the law makers.

Kiko Jones said...

That second answer sounds like the GOP platform.