Friday, August 13, 2010

Creepy Shit.

American Experience right now is scaring the fucking shit out of me.

Seriously, doesn't this sound more like Friday the 13th?
Freeman embarked on a national campaign in his van which he called his "lobotomobile" to demonstrate the procedure to doctors working at state-run institutions; Freeman would show off by icepicking both of a patient's eyesockets at one time - one with each hand.[4] According to some, institutional care was hampered by lack of effective treatments and extreme overcrowding, and Freeman saw the transorbital lobotomy as an expedient tool to get large populations out of treatment and back into private life.
I wonder if this same guy lobotomized Rosemary Kennedy? Even after two of her sons had been killed, Rose always said her biggest regret was letting Joe lobotomize Rosemary. Fucking hell.

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