Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Glenn! I Like Writing on a Blackboard Too!!!!!

Glenn Beck says we need to be smaller:
So we’re either going to be a much more libertarian, smaller, faster, more mobile, which I think we will be. Something that understands that the world changes like that. And we will be a much more smaller, tighter, less, I guess they would use “imperialistic,” forcing ourself, or projecting ourself around the world.
Which is what I said two years ago!
For over a year now I've been planning some massive Manifesto-styled post on why the United States needs to break up into four different countries. We're simply too big, too sprawling with too many people with too many interests - it's hard for people to come under the same rules as dictated by people thousands of miles away, neither group of people ever knowing or understanding each other (my old "dudes in Idaho voting on dudes in NJ not being allowed to kiss" argument, for example.) My desire for teachers to be paid in 6 figures should not be disqualified by people who care only about their right to own as many guns as possible. And on and on and on. And vice versa. We've just gotten too big, in every way.
Brilliant minds, finally coming together!!! Looking at it now, my language seems pretty tame...I'm embarrassed at my lack of incredibly frightful, draconian scare tactics when compared to Beck's now-daily reminders that Obama is desperate to send us all to the Gulag, and we'll be busy being burned in ovens to notice when Jesus (aka the original J-Woww) comes back. But clearly, I'd be Robin to his Batman anyways.

Becky: LET'S DO THIS!!!

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