Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Goals. I Have Them.

One thing that pocket constitution expert Tea Partiers don't seem to know is that the ideological  co-founder of the Constitution thought this way:
Montesquieu loved knowledge, science, law, toleration. 
Montesquieu hated armies, conquests, tyrants, priests.

This, ironically, seems to be the exact opposite of what these "Constitution experts" seem to be clamoring for. Monty would've hated these people.

I wanna be on Charlie Rose, just so in the middle of the interview I can casually drop the name Montesquieu, as if I had read and studied him my whole life. Maybe I'll wait a coupla days, and here on Xmastime while blathering on and on about Gingrich or Sniffy or some shit I'll matter-of-factly wrote "as you know, Jefferson was greatly influenced by Montesquieu's writings, including of course both that government should be set up so that no man need be afraid of another as well as that a free and stable foundation for the new national government required a clearly defined and balanced separation of powers.

Hmm. Let's see if I can pull that off. I like my chances.

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