Monday, August 23, 2010

Gonna Fly Now

I've been going to their shows for 10 years, but nothing gets me more excited than when Marah plays the theme from Rocky. I spend the hour before the show wondering "ooooooh, are they gonna play Rocky? Are they gonna play Rocky??!?!" and then the first hour of the show thinking "I can't believe they opened with Rocky!!  Wasn't that awesome?!?!?!?!"

I am a simple man.

And here's audio proof of the only time I've ever willingly fetched someone a beer  ;)

Enjoy the entire show HERE.


The Gnat said...

Holy shit. Great set list - only missing round eyes for my taste. I don't think we can get them to do Closer even in Xmas' home state.

Xmastime said...

yeah, before the show I mentioned REB and the trumpet, and Dave said they'd do it....and then nothing!!!