Monday, August 09, 2010

Happy 8/9/10

Unless I live into the next century, which is somewhat doubtful, 12/13/14 will be last day I get to enjoy such a day.

Also, I just noticed that this Friday is a Friday the 13th.  Which, as you know, I do not like.
2) I’m a little weirded out by this being the 13th installment of “Things are Good.” I’m not saying I have triskaidekaphobia (the fear of the Number 13, eggheads) but I’m definitely aware of it. For instance, I avoid 13th floors. And my 13th beer is usually hard on me. If I have $13 in my pocket, I always get rid of one dollar. I don’t like that my first and last name combine to make 13 letters. Hell, maybe I DO have triskaidekaphobia. And yes, I’ve spent the last 5 minutes trying to make a joke re: triskaiDICKaphobia being the fear of chicks being scared of my 13-inch cock, but maybe it’s time to move on.

Also, how awesome is my Theodore stuff in that post? Sigh.

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