Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Happy Birthday B. Hussein O.

I just went to see what incredibly brilliant things I had to say about Obama last year on his birthday, and it turns out the answer is nothing, since I was at the beach, hanging out with The Fellahs!

I wish I was there with them right now  :(

Ah well. Maybe me, Big Bear, Husky and the Short Bus will spend a summer there together when they get older, and I'll write a Peter Leroy-esque series based on our months there.

"The Guyz"!!! ... wait, how come I'm the one with a sippy cup?

Here are Big Bear & Husky at my "How to Pick Up Chicks" Workshop.

Sorry fellahs; your $45 Workshop fee does not include me answering questions post-workshop.

This picture makes me think of that final shot in The Shining; I can picture Husky hanging out with the Rat Pack at the Sands in the '50s in this one

Okay, time for a picture with me and the kids...wait, Big Bear, what're you digging there?

Oh, dang, dude - why you hatin'?

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