Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hard Knocks

If you give him time, you'll find plenty of reasons to not like Rex Ryan. He's a clownish, loud-mouthed buffoon who has the Mets of the NFL wondering why they even hafta go through the ignominy of a regular season on their way to a guaranteed Super Bowl win. Of course, that's also a reason to like him, I suppose.

But why we're supposed to be surprised or offended that an NFL coach uses foul language is beyond me. We all love Tony Dungy, but he needs to shut the fuck up about this. For chrissake, if you wanna be the league Jesus and go around saving people that's fine, but there's real problems in the league, and salty language is not one of them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dungy has gone beyond sanctimonious and myopic. He left the coaching position to minister to those in need, but spends at least a few days a week doing broadcasting and the rest of the time trying to help embattled millionaire athletes who engage in federal level racketeering or petty adultery? camon.