Thursday, August 19, 2010

Houseworking for Strange

This guy HERE has some more to say about the housework/sex ratio that married couples find themselves having to deal with. I've long thought this to be a bit of a myth, as I wrote HERE.
Camon. Now, I can see rewarding the dude with sex for housework, but you actually believe your girl starts creaming when she sees you tapping the bookshelf with a feather duster? DOUBT IT. I'm thinking that woman are making this whole urban myth up to get men off their asses and help out. Kudos to women, this is the best idea they've come up with since...well, this may be their first one, but still. Well played.

He doesn't seem to come to any real conclusion on the subject, although it does need to be pointed out that a guy writing about sex has the last name "Wang."

Also, my cleaning for ass offer still stands.
HOUSEWORK FOR SEX - Outrageously overweight bed-wetting alcoholic with no job and the back hair of your uncle's rec room carpet looking for a housework for sex trade. Every hour of housework = an hour of sex. As I'm unemployed I'm free all the time; in fact if I could crash at your place for a while that would be a w e s o m e. You: be smoking hot, creative in bed with a lot of Victoria's Secret stuff and not a lot of shame. Might wanna invest in a power flusher, I've been in a bit of a "cheese phase."

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