Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm Outta Here!

Two weeks ago HERE I mentioned that I am destined to live in Europe. as my natural disposition does not lend itself to succeeding in the US rat race that prides itself on hard work for hard work sake's despite it being potentially being counter-productive. And now I see there's a book entitled Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?, to which I'd answer "yes," although Germany is not on my list of dream European countries (sorry K-rot!)
Despite the numbers, social democracy really does work and delivers the goods and it’s the only model that an advanced country can do to be competitive in this world. I mean that not just in terms of exports, but in terms of being green at the same time. That we can raise the standard of living without boiling the planet shows how our measure of GDP is so crude.

Also, these are in England.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why are you and others under the impression that Europe is devoid of career obsession, materialism, pollution, racism, traffic, and superficial pop culture?

Yes, we have all sat at that nice cafe on the [insert favorite Square, Platz, Place, etc] and drank ourselves silly. Actually living there is more than a bit different.