Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is This a Joke?

Sniffy is upset Dr. Laura can't throw the N-word around on the radio all she wants, and then introduces the word "shackles" to remind black people of their place anyway. She MIGHT not have "thought" this one out.

Look, I've never listened to this Dr. Laura, nor do I really give a shit whether or not she continues to have a radio show, but in her (almost non-existent) defense she did issue an apology the next day, saying that she understands what she did was wrong. Now, after that, if you wanna say she should or shouldn't keep her show, that's perfectly fine to me. Hang her out to dry, I don't give a shit. To me, the point is that here's some 63 year-old woman on live radio sounding like a complete fucking racist idiot and, whether she meant to or not, or whether or not she was trying to make some "philosophical point," Sarah Palin, even while facing the fact that Dr. Laura admits she was wrong,  is now trying to turn her into some "racist-as-the-real-victim" airing out of the Constitution folk hero. Incredibly, if I was Dr. Laura and had just had my career pretty much ended by charges of racism, I'd be just about as embarrassed by Palin's defense of me as I would of being a fucking idiot.

Also: If I was a part of the "lamestream media" I'd ask Sarah Palin her thoughts on the Michael Richards fiasco from a few years ago, and see how hard she defends him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did she just advocate shooting black people?