Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Logic. There is None.

Right-wing pundits are now jumping up and down demanding that it be seen as a given that George Bush's surge in 2007 is the reason for the "victory" in Iraq vis-a-vis Obama's ending military operations and withdrawing 100,000 troops from Iraq. And yet if Bush or McCain (or any GOP president) was in The White House, the troops wouldn't have been withdrawn. So there would never be a reason to point to the surge as a reason for victory. Obama's doing what the Right doesn't want him to do, and yet they're demanding credit for it. Interesting. Hey look, it's Mickey Mouse!

1 comment:

Montana said...

Honestly, the surge was a battle for improving a War, not winning it. Thank God we are getting out, what a waste of our Youth and Treasury set on a bed of lies.