Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The $300 fee Philly is banging bloggers on has me scratching my head. Sure, if someone makes $$$$ on his or her blog they hafta pay income tax on it, that goes without saying. But most bloggers don't make a penny even if they try; in general their blogs are nothing more than a hobby. If they somehow generate revenue through ads or whatever great, if not, that doesn't stop anyone from blogging. I have yet to meet anyone who stopped blogging because the checks weren't large enough. Once the inevitable "jerking off to Good Housekeeping" fee kicks in, I'm screwed.

And to compare starting  a blog to "any other business" is wrong since a business is set up for the sole purpose of generating revenue; when they STOP collecting money, they shut down.

Matter of fact, even the person clicking through that generates any revenue isn't the person that's actually PAYING the revenue, it's the people that set up the ads. So on top of paying for my cable service, I guess I should be charged $350 for the right to watch tv that might contain advertising as well?

In the meantime, I would think Philadelphia would be more than happy to have as many people as possible writing blogs every day about things to go out and blow money on in Philadelphia.

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