Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Prop 8

Why is the gay marriage thing in CA named Proposition 8?

Hmm. Well, will you looky here. Lay the number 8 on it's side, and what do you have? A big, fat, juicy dude's ass just looking to be plowed.  For fuck's sake.  WHERE IS MY AMERICA??!?!!?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

plowing you. this site sux. why waste your time posting?

Anonymous said...

Goddamn... It was so obvious. They might as well have called it Prop 69.

Anonymous said...


ereiberg said...

Homo trolls out looking for internet fights after Prop 8 is overturned, failing to grasp the overall sarcasm of the blog.


Someone's getting some femoral intercourse tonight, if he plays his cards right. (fingers crossed!)