Saturday, August 07, 2010

Sniff Sniff's Greatest, Most Incoherent FB Rant Yet

After lying that the people who benefit the most from the Bush tax cuts are "mom and pop shops" and telling everybody they're gonna get a bill for $38,000 on January1 if Comrade Obama has his way, she somehow devolves into some scene on a fishing boat, during which she actually types out the vocal tic "eh."

Try and guess which paragraph from her latest Facebook rant Sniffy actually wrote herself:

Paragraph 1 sample sentence: America’s tax cuts which can incentivize small businesses to expand and hire more people (thus fulfilling the mission to grow more private sector jobs), or even just to keep our doors open, will expire in four months.

Paragraph 2 sample sentence: I’ll keep calling out President Obama and the Democrats until they tell the American people what the plan is to save the incentives – to not allow the mom and pops’ tax cuts to expire.

Paragraph 3 sample sentence: As the economist Bruce Bartlett explained at the time, the President’s budget – including the tax promise – was never much more than a vague statement of intent.

Paragraph 4 sample sentence: So, I’ll go back to, cough, setting my hooks and watching the, intake of breath, halibut take the bait, and, kegels squeeze, when I come back into the boat’s, ooooh, second kegel's squeeze, cabin in a few hours, I’ll log back on here to read, blink, their reply.

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