Thursday, August 05, 2010

Term Limits

Yglesias HERE has an article in which he refutes internet file sharing causing a surge of undergraduate plagiarism by pointing out that that the very same internet of course makes it very easy for college professors to do a search themselves to see if a passage has been lifted.

This made me laugh, thinking that in today's world my buddy Eric's brilliant term paper modus operandi would be rendered useless:
This is a skill I learned early in high school; by college my talents were at such perfect pitch that I took a theater class in college and got a B without having any idea where the theater actually was on campus - upon being confronted by my professor about the validity of one of my "reviews" my performance was, ironically, award-winning theater....I do feel like a shout-out should go to another one of the greats, my fraternity brother Eric Bransford (or, as Mahoney from Deer Park, Long Island (ie the set of Goodfellas to hicks like us 15 years ago) called him, "Bansfit") had a system wherein he would take referenced critical books from the library, copy them wholesale for entire pages, and then make sure he kept every copy checked out from the library for months, so the professor couldn't look up his work. I never did this myself, but cap doffed.

Side note: he once claimed to be a "Gentleman's C Student," which we kinda laughed at until he brought up his transcript, which showcased 3+ years and about 35 classes in which he had LITERALLY gotten a C for each one - never more, never less. Awesome.

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