Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This Week's Non-Story

I'm still at a loss re: exactly who is supposed to be "furious" at Robert Gibbs for his "professional left" comments the other day. Look, I understand that my "liberal setting" is on a 10, and yes, sometimes it gets frustrating that Obama's seems to be on a 2. You can only be let down by those you choose to believe in; I don't spend a lot of time sulking in the dark crying whenever Joe Liebermann does something soul-suckingly self-serving.

But I'm also not a retard, which means I understand that there's a huge difference between an actual President having to lurch forward policy in Washington inch by inch and some asshole sitting in his apartment shaking his fists at the sky in frustration "where's the hope and change!?!?!?!" while posting pictures of titties and Garfield. And my thinking it's perfectly okay for me to never be satisfied with Obama and keep bitching for him to go further left on things I want means that I have to not have a temper tantrum and soil my diaper when the adults in the room say "we're trying, dumbass, calm the fuck down."

People being frustrated by political leaders should be expected and welcomed, not breaking news. And again, I'm not sure what this means people will do...I mean, is somebody thinking "dammit, Obama's not liberal enough for me, so I'm gonna go put up yard signs for Huckabee instead?" Really?

A night doesn't go by while watching the Yankess that I don't throw my hands up in the air and yell at the tv before emailing my Yankees buddies "what the hell is Girardi thinking?!?!??!?!" and then flop around like a baby, whining about taking so-and-so out of the game. But at the end of the day there's exactly NOBODY I want managing the Yankees other than Joe Girardi. And at no point does it even occur to me "okay, that's it, I'm rooting for the Red Sox from now on."

So, again, I don't really know who supposedly is pissed at Gibbs. But I do know it's not the people he "chastised."

Unless, of course, they're idiots. Which is always possible.


Kiko Jones said...

2 things:

1) It was Gibbs not Gates
2) You don't gain points by dissing your base. And seeing as how 10 years ago a fraction of Dems and/or lefty-leaning folks supported a 3rd party candidate that made it easy for the collective nightmare known as W to happen, Gibbs should fucking know better.

As non-idiotic Yankee fans, you and I, we know better than to walk over to the cliff when things don't go how we think they should. That doesn't mean were not surrounded by those who are irrational and illogical. Same applies to politics but worse: Girardi won't lose his job no matter how many fans complain about him. A president with a sinking overall approval rating and an unhappy base doesn't need the WH spokesperson talking out of turn. Obama campaigned on hope and change; right now many of those who voted for him see his presidency as the lesser of two evils. Do they need Gibbs spitting in their face on top of that?

Xmastime said...

ack! Gibbs. anti-Redskins tic :)

Anonymous said...

The Waterwalker continues to sink.