Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Very Helpful

This guy is thoughtfully giving out advice for those baffled and stupid enough to be duped into coming to DC for Glenn Beck's March on Washington. In particular, he's pointing out that non-white people in the area's sole reason for living is to kill all Americans who get on certain Metro trains. A simple "thank you" to this gentleman is surely appreciated, although hopefully any Tea Baggers in attendance won't gripe about the Metro's service this time.

As a side note, it's set on the 47th anniversary of MLK's "I have a dream" speech, which of course means those MLK/Glenn Beck comparisons are gonna be even more rampant than usual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just for that piece of stupit, you are being sent to Brownsville to roam the streets for the night. Pack lightly and wear your running shoes.

Bully up.