Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Voice of Reason

Some people will blame things like this cab driver getting stabbed for being Muslim or this right-wing militia rallying around "Burn a Quran Day" on the Right's willingness to turn the other cheek (JUST like a certain Jewish carpenter with rockin' abs we all love!) and remaining silent amongst such things even when their own ideals are attached, bravely trading hate-mongering and racism for votes in important primaries. As if the number of times we were attacked on 9/11 outnumbering the number of those on the Right being willing to step up and say "hey, this shit's insane, shut the fuck up" actually means anything. Of course such thinking is absurd; BEING racist and ACTING racist and ENCOURAGING OTHERS TO BE RACIST does not MAKE someone a racist!  I mean, look at Glenn Beck - sure he doesn't have any black friends, but he's leading a march on DC on the same day MLK delivered his "I have a dream" speech. What have you done to honor MLK? Hell, I WISH I had come up with the "kill four more so we can get the whole week off" joke, but I didn't.

Quit this shit of trying to point out that the Right's continuing to allow things to go on or even championing them somehow makes them complicit. Obviously they're hyper-focused on important things, like reducing the deficit by adding another $830B to it. These are noble people, and the very Jefferson they claim to emulate even though he would be horrified to be on the same planet as them is surely spinning in his grave with pride at their determination to, just as they did when we had white presidents ('the good ol' days"), be the adults. And hell, he went from nothing to owning dry cleaning shops in Manhattan!!!!


Anonymous said...

Altnough we all respect your intelligence and fairness across the board, what you have written here is complete nonsense. Apparently, your intense personal dislike of the opposition has influenced and obliterated your common sense. The People you are speaking hateful things against merely disagree, some rather strongly with the various opinions, intentions and subsequent legislation of the current administration. And that makes us ALL Racist? Might I remind you that people of ALL race, creed and color vote these people in, and people of all race creed and color are exercising their right to protest. Just because you can't agree with the stand a person or people take does not make you a racist.

Xmastime said...

of course I dont think theyre "all" racist (although its childish to think that plenty of them arent, and if proudly claiming that they're not ALL racist makes you feel better, good for you.) it's the complicity, the profiting from letting such flames be fanned.

its the oldest story in the world: one day, they'll come for you, and then you'll think "gee, maybe I shouldnt have let such things go on."

Anonymous said...

So you agree then, that it's at best inaccurate...okay, preposterous to draw conclusions regarding one's propensity for prejudiced based upon political standing, and to do so in actually fans the flames of ignorance among your...perhaps, lower functioning readers.

Xmastime said...

im saying that your not only not denouncing things i pointed out such as stabbing someone because he's Muslim but actually defending them means dont cry to me when you find yourself on the wrong side of a group's anger over "fiscal irresponsibility."

also, your claiming that it's wrong for me to point out any racism at all because theyre not ALL racist holds no more water than were I to say they're all racist because only one is.

but, as per usual, I suppose pointing out racism is worse than actually being racist.

if you cant make the separation between "people rightfully protesting over ABC" and "racist extremists doing things like stabbing people" dont expect me to take you very seriously.

Marley said...

Harry Reid - racist

David Patterson - blind racist

70% of Americans who oppose the mosque's placement - racist

60% of New Yorkers who oppose the mosque's placement - racist

54% of Democrats who oppose the mosque's placement - racist

I mince no words. This is one big gaggle of racists.

And for the cabbie who got stabbed, let's look at his Opie lookalike attacker:

"According to the New York Post, Enright, who was allegedly drunk at the time of the incident, told police that he works for an Internet media company and that he recently returned from Afghanistan, where he had been filming military exercises. His supposed employer, Intersections International, recently announced its support of the so-called ground zero mosque, The Village Voice reported."

Village Voice - racist

Marley said...

I got a whole big bag of "racists" just a waiting . . .

Xmastime said...

jesus christ. 7:08pm. how much Marley-baiting does it take to get your attention anymore?

Marley said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . ..............................................


Xmastime said...

now that an argument worthy of 2L

Anonymous said...

Invite a racist out to tea
and talk to him a while
find out why you rarely see
the bright side of his smile
his breath is bad
you do believe
he's rotting from within
sit back and listen his schpeal
a NASTY place he's in
he heart it seethes
with hatred for the one who bears no name
but represents the whole of those who've 'stolen' for their gain
he's looking out for number one
and can't see past his nose
he'll never look into your eyes
and that's just how it goes
he doesn't care for anything
which reeks of 'filth and grime'
he only wants his nation back
and how is that a crime?
but nothing now will ever go
according to his way
his hopes and dreams were smashed
upon the sidewalk on that day
and bitterness has taken root
and hate has robbed him blind
and and out it comes
a-slithering, this wretched ax to grind
the racist as he's called today
is everything but cool
he's creepy and he's crappy
and look, he's leaking drool
but ask him what he wants and why and can't just 'let it be'
he'll tell you that it's all their fault, those bleepin can't you see?
and then there are the cleaner ones, the folks like you and me
who tend to group the 'others' by their commonality
we the racist want to know why
all men can't be good
can peace come through our government to every neighborhood?
when life was safe and kids could play, America was 'free'
how come things are scary now
and I can't drink this tea
why are we so paranoid and
turned against each other
wasn't it just yesterday
we called each other brother
but now I point out differences
and now I am just a turd
you're talking to the 'racist'
but you haven't heard a word.