Friday, August 20, 2010

What a Fucking Idiot

Palin. Still swinging.

Somebody needs to explain to Sarah Palin (I refuse to call her "Sniffy" right now) who exactly is "shackling" Dr. Laura. Because the answer, as far as I can see, is nobody.

Yes, if you throw the N-word around on your radio show you might lose sponsors. Yes, you might lose listeners. Which, I believe, is the genius of the free market that someone like Sarah Palin espouses to love so much. If there was a market for a 63 year-old white women to say "ni--er!" on the radio all day, believe me, the sponsors would be lined up around the block.

At no point did the evil gub'ment step in to shut Dr. Laura down. Hey, she quit. As far as I'm concerned, she's free to go on her radio show and say "ni--er" the entire time if that's what she wants.

But, in the sacred world of private industry wherein people hire other people in accordance with how much money they can bring in, again a world that Sarah Palin pretends to understand, throwing the word "ni--er" around on a radio show would not, I'm assuming, be a smart thing to do.

Once again, and I hope Levi spells this out to her: free speech merely means freedom from government intervention; it does not mean freedom from economic consequences.

Ergo, Sarah Palin needs to explain exactly who is putting the "shackles" on Dr. Laura.

1 comment:

Marley said...

I'll hold you to this the next time the yahoos you so condescend apply purely private pressure which results in the denial of gay high speed rail for all the good people who pay their taxes, work those coal mines, and get a Tom Joad screwing at the hands of Mr. Potter.