Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ah, Yes. Sweet.

The Democrats lose yet another vote thanks to having more votes than the Republicans.
It is important to note that senators representing a relatively small minority of the American population sustained a filibuster of a bill despite the fact that it contained very popular provisions. According to polling, 70 percent of Americans support the DREAM Act and 75 percent of Americans support fully repealing DADT. The 42 senators who filibustered the bill, on the other hand, represent only 36 percent of the American population. Thanks to senate procedure, a small minority can easily obstruct the will of the vast majority of the public.
Marley will slap me around re: "the rights of the Minority," an argument which always has merit, but to what extent?  When did "a minority's rights" go from "we must be represented and heard" to "it's our way or the highway, and if you don't like it there's always barber college"? At what number has someone been heard, represented, and merely lost? Or is that number merely a reflection of whether or not YOU are a part of said minority?

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