Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Behind the Highlights

I just no stumbled upon ESPN Page 2'sb>Behind the Highlights Series, "which will examine the details of compelling, obscure, breathtaking and stupefying video clips, as told by the figures in and around the action."

First up? This "are you shitting me?" run by Earl Campbell. I guess this is like an NBA player getting "posterized" today. This dude got, and I hate that Stuart Scott video bullshit, but it's applicable here: jacked up.

Also, the series is oddly reminiscent of my own FOOTNOTES series, which I like.
The clip is played over and over and over in hopes of learning the details around the play. When did it take place? Which team was the opponent? Who's the unlucky player on the wrong end of that hit … and did he survive?
The thrilling mystery of random people caught in photos always gets me.  I sense I'm gonna become obsessed with this series.

Now my head is spinning trying to think of a clip for the series!  :)
Although the Campbell-Downs collision occurred before the proliferation of sports media and long before the emergence of the Internet, it's still somewhat surprising the clip has remained relatively obscure. After all, Campbell went on to become an NFL superstar, and Downs also enjoyed a successful career at the next level. Yet the play lives on only in the form of a grainy clip posted in cyberspace, beckoning fans to relive that Oct. 1, 1977, collision at Memorial Stadium.

Of course, there are a few people out there who don't need YouTube to remember the play.

DOWNS: "I met a guy who played at Oklahoma. I think he was a defensive back as well. I met him four or five years ago, just by happenstance. He told me 'I remember this play,' because I think Oklahoma was playing them the next week, and so they were looking at film from our earlier game. So he told me that he remembered me getting run over by Earl, from watching the film. I was like, 'Man that was like 20, 25 years ago, and the first time you meet me, the first thing that comes out of your mouth is that play.' We laughed .

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