Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Big Stein in Monument Park

Derek Jeter’s take on Steinbrenner’s monument:

“It was big,” Jeter said. “Probably just how The Boss wanted it. The biggest one out there.”

Would Steinbrenner have liked that idea?

“It probably was his idea.”

According to Elias, the Yankees won on the day every monument was unveiled with one exception: They lost on the day of Mickey Mantle’s dedication in 1999.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Because he built the new stadium, owned the team at the time of his death, and his family still runs things I wasn't surprised they unveiled this huge thing in The Boss' honor. But while I don't disagree w/the sentiment, I'm a bit disappointed about the size of the thing. I mean, should GMSIII's "monument" be larger than those for Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Yogi, and Mantle's? I think not.