Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Tomorrow is Bruce's 61st birthday, and the massive Darkness on the Edge of Town box set is coming out on November 16th, so THIS GUY HERE is listing his Top 25 Bruce cuts. I will now give my thoughts.

25) Lucky Town: slice.
24) Factory: hmm (await Marley's bludgeoning on this one)
23) Glory Days: was probably at one time a good song, but ground into the ground over the years.
22) This Hard Land: Suuuuuuperslice, boneyard slice. Maybe Top 10 (although the live version he's picked here is atrocious)
21) Magic: what?
20) Murder Incorporated: ugh. Bruce has flogged this fucker for 25 years, right alongside Youngstown. Jesus. Time to put it out of it's fucking misery, Boss.
19) Downbound Train: I feel this guy and I are not connecting at this point.
18) Cynthia: I'm starting to think I might not make it though this fucking list.
17) Thunder Road: Thank God. We're back in some sort of reality.
16) Ramrod: Well, that was brief.
15) Youngstown: Oh my fucking god. I'm seriously waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell me I'm going to be on tv.
14) The Rising: thank christ. All-time Bruce Top 10 Super Slice.
13) Atlantic City: slice slice.
12) Reason to Believe: now we're in a groove.
11) Tougher Than the Rest: great slice, tho I don't see it being this high. But better than most of the other crap so far.
10) Born to Run: Only #10? Are you shitting me? I'm fucking cringing to see how this fucker finishes up. Jessie's Girl #1?
9) Racing in the Street: okay. Not a slice. nice nighttime summer cut.
8) Growing Up: best song on the first two albums. bonus for his stories during the live versions.
7) The Ghost of Tom Joad: oh, for fuck's sake.
6) American Land: I love this song, but #6? I have a feeling this dude was born in 1990. Is he the singer from the Killers?
5) Tenth-Avenue Freeze-Out: the only song on Born to Run I don't like. #5. Wow.
4) Darkness on the Edge of Town: superslice. Too high for me, but, for this asshole, too low.
3) Incident on 57th Street: fucking hell.
2) The Price You Pay: okay, that's it. He got me. I've been Punk'd. Well done, maestro. If Rosalita is #1, I've gotten what I deserve.
1) Backstreets: okay, well done. Saved his ass with this one. Super, super, funeral, in the ground superslice.

If Bruce played this as a set, that'd be a lot of piss/Sabrett's breaks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the way he casually strings these pearls together and then pounds them into a guy song. Such a GUY makes love sound easy.

"well we're both getting old and we're losing all track, and the words to this song makes my heart want to crack but the sound of your voice and the music can carry me through-wha-oh whoa..."