Friday, September 03, 2010

Casting. It Matters.

I've read more about the French Revolution over the past year than I ever have before, so when I stumbled upon the beginning of Sofia "Mrs. Xmastime, suck my nuts if you got a problem with that" Coppala's Marie Antionette I was curious enough to start watching; certainly it is a stunning visual piece, and ever since watching Pig Vomit meet King George III in the Play Tone galaxy's awesome John Adams I've been intrigued re: taking a peek behind the curtain of royalty and it's everyday ritualistic lunacy.

But then I realize that Louis XVI is played by Jason Schwartzmann. Really? Maybe he's incredible in it, but it's impossible for me to take him serious as anything other than the guy from Rushmore. Also, Steve Coogan is in it. Steve Coogan is hilarious. You can't look at Steve Coogan without laughing. Which means I can't watch a movie about Marie Antoinette if Steve Coogan keeps popping up onscreen.

I did, however, totally buy Rip torn as the king. So I'll prolly give it another shot since I guess you never really know.

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