Monday, September 20, 2010


I'm baffled that as much of an interesting, mercurial character Woody Hayes was, there's no movie about him. That would be a fucking packed two hours.

Moi ICI:
Hayes is definitely the more interesting character - while Bo had tunnel vision, thinking and speaking only of football, Woody spent hours lecturing anyone who would listen on military battles, taught all his freshman an English class and would try to drive at least three players to practice every day so he could, in the 15 minute ride, improve their vocabularies. He would come to a recruit's house and spend four hours talking - without football coming up once in the conversation. The university had to fool him into getting raises to his already miniscule salary. He drove his coaches crazy by quizzing them every morning about current events (offering a silver dollar for correct answers!) He endlessly badgered his players to go to law school upon graduation. For chrissake, the guy wrote a book appropriating military battles with their corresponding football play - Napoleon ran power runs, Sherman ran the option. Hitler had taken France by running the 40 trap.

And the guy apparently memorized every work Emerson ever wrote. Fascinating.

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