Monday, September 06, 2010


Interesting note from Dave Weigel HERE wondering how much of an affect Al Franken being seated immediately would have had in actually changing our current state of affairs:
That probably would have resulted in a larger stimulus bill, with extra billions of dollars (maybe $110 billion) going to tax cuts or spending. Democrats would have had the votes for card check, and gotten that out of the way quickly, while Ted Kennedy was still healthy. Just having that extra vote to play with when Obama's popularity was peaking might have shaken up the whole schedule, gotten nominees like Dawn Johnson into their jobs, and led to more action in the Senate that pleased the Democratic base and -- possibly -- had a marginal impact on the economy.
Ah yes, but alas:
History's written by the winners, unless those winners 1) join unpopular Senate majorities and 2) are Democrats.

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