Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dr. Chicks

I think we can all agree that in general guys rule and chicks drool, but since I think I only know two people with PhDs and both of them are women, I can't say this really shocks me:
For the first time, more women than men in the United States received doctoral degrees last year, the culmination of decades of change in the status of women at colleges nationwide.

The number of women at every level of academia has been rising for decades. Women now hold a nearly 3-to-2 majority in undergraduate and graduate education. Doctoral study was the last holdout - the only remaining area of higher education that still had an enduring male majority.

Of the doctoral degrees awarded in the 2008-09 academic year, 28,962 went to women and 28,469 to men, according to an annual enrollment report from the Council of Graduate Schools, based in Washington.

Of course, they still haven't learned how to transact simple business at a deli counter without making my head explode:
11) Ladies: after you've received your change from the cashier, step aside and let the next person do his transaction. Don't stand there in front of the line carefully placing your fucking change in your purse and closing it all up nicely and neatly and then putting on your fucking gloves and scarf while we all stand there staring at you, including the cashier, you stupid fuck. Get your change, step aside to do your fucking banking, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
But hey, baby steps!

Was Xmastime ever really that angry? When it comes to chicks buying shit, the answer is yes.

Congrats ladies, you've come a long way, baby!!!

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