Monday, September 13, 2010

What If What You Do to Survive Kills the Things You Love

I'm 38 years old. And one thing I've learned is, my demise probably will not come because of some national catastrophe. I have a better chance of getting bowel cancer than getting shot at by terrorists.

When I was a kid, we worried about the BOMB. But guess what? It never happened. And we don't worry about that now, instead, we worry about super-Islams on monkey bars.

You know who has paid the price? Not me. I'm too old. The idea that I will be moved by the military is laughable.

Even more laughable? Some 18 or 19 year-old kid that we pretend to put our interests in. Halfway around the world, We have some 18 year-old kid that we normally wouldn't trust to make change at the local 7/11 realize oh my God, I hafta compromise all my values just to stay alive?

We wouldn't hire him to work at  Wal-Mart, but I'm sending him to war. Got it.

Really? This is "national security"? Duping our kids into killing against their own will and being quadroplegic? Really? God is NOT on your side; if he was, wouldnt you have already won?

Awesome. If it was my generation, I would've buckled like a pussy.

TO 18 YEAR OLDS: it's not worth it. Go to college. You being in the Army is a joke. Don't let yourselves be pawns in old mens' games. Believe me, they're laughing at you. Live your lives, and laugh all the way - the Earth is for the living. Don't fall for some old-man bullshit. You only have one life, don't give it up for fools.

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