Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hope for a Sane GOP?

Last month I mentioned Indiana governor Damon Bailey Mitch Daniels asking a seemingly sensible question, which of course immediately made him out of step with the rest of the 2012 pretend candidates, and today on Sully we see this:
Politico reports that Mitch Daniels is now openly laying the groundwork for a presidential run. This is not the coy bid for "optics" routinely pulled by presumed candidates Palin, Romney, and Gingrich — not a trip to Iowa or New Hampshire to meet the demos, not a shiny new book full of apple pie and empty promises. It's a sit-down with a dozen of the Republican party's machers. It's as serious as a heart attack. And I think it means we've just met the party's 2012 presidential candidate. Daniels is, among other things, the only inarguably successful politician in serious contention. Palin quit office, Romney flubbed 2008, Huckabee likewise, Gingrich retired in disgrace, and Pawlenty is leaving office amid tanking approval ratings. Daniels is and long has been enviably popular in his home state of Indiana (current approval rating: 65 percent), largely thanks to what can only be called his prudent conservatism.
An actual conservative.  Am I in a museum?

While the idea of a series of "debates" in 2012 featuring the very idiots listed above would be a dream come true for me, I know there's no way it'll happen, due to a combination of I'm never that lucky along with there's too much time left on the clock for them to not totally combust by then as well as the possibility of some level of sanity being regained by the party.

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